Hardy Roses: The Best Selections

Hardy Roses

Best Hardy Rose Selections

What are the best roses to plant in your garden if you live in Minnesota or a similar climate? Haute House Studio co-owner and garden expert Marsha Hunt has her top three hardy rose selections here. Enjoy!

1. Knock-Out Roses

The Double Knock-Out Red “Radtko” shrub rose is probably the most disease-resistant, prolific, and consistent bloomer available to the Minnesota gardener. This hot pink/cherry red rose blooms off and on literally from June until they freeze in winter. Although technically not classified as winter hardy (it is a Zone 5, Minnesota is Zone 4), we have had dozens of the Double Knock-Out Red in the Haute House Studio gardens for several years and they all survived even last year’s punishing winter. Some of the other color varieties like the pink have not proven as hardy, but if you stick to the double red, it is such a great performer, you may find yourself adding more and more each year.

2. William Baffin and 3. John Cabot Climbing Roses

These two beauties have similar deep pink petals and blooms profusely in early June. Although they re-bloom minimally later in the summer, they are Canadian Explorer varieties that have stood the test of time and are extremely hardy and disease resistant. Their best feature is their ability to be trained on a fence, arbor, or even espaliered on a wall to create an entire wall of blooms that will bring a splendor to your garden the first few weeks of summer.

Marsha Hunt